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Jones, Jenkin Lloyd (1843-1918)
Item Relations
Participated in (3)
Member of (5)
Written by (26)
Mentioned in (25)
Received by (7)
Comments (0)
Emergency Anti-War Committee Meeting (1917)
Neutral Conference for Continuous Mediation (1916)
Peace Ship (1915-1916)
Abraham Lincoln Centre
All Souls Unitarian Church - Chicago, Illinois
Chicago Peace Society
Peace Expedition Committee of Administration
The Committee for the Extension of Municipal Suffrage for Chicago Women
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, January 30, 1901
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, February 11, 1901
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, October 15, 1902
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, October 25, 1902
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, November 4, 1903
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, January 9, 1904
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, February 3, 1904
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, February 8, 1906
Jenkins Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, May 22, 1907
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, October 9, 1907
Jenkins Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, December 18, 1907
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, June 24, 1908
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, August 14, 1908
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, November 9, 1908
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, November 9, 1908
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, February 17, 1909
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, December 14, 1910
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, April 26, 1911
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, May 13, 1912
Jenkins Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, October 10, 1912
Jenkins Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, November 25, 1914
To the People of America, March 1915
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, April 5, 1915
Henry Ford et al. to Jane Addams, December 7, 1915
Jenkin Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, May 29, 1916
The United States on Trial, c. February 6, 1917
Flora Stone Mather to Jane Addams, February 22, 1903
Hull-House Year Book 1906-1907
Remarks on Col. John A. Davis, June, 25, 1907 (excerpts)
The Relation of "Settlements" and Religion, November 8, 1908
Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, February 14, 1909
William English Walling to Jane Addams, April 1, 1909
Address on Civic Associations, January 12, 1912 (excerpts)
Celia Parker Woolley to Jane Addams, October 8, 1912
Old Glory: The Flag of Hope for World Peace, 1915
News of the Chicago Women's Clubs, January 17, 1915
Jane Addams to David Starr Jordan, December 28, 1915
Harriet Park Thomas to Frederick Lynch, January 4, 1916
David Starr Jordan to Jane Addams, January 6, 1916
Rosika Schwimmer to Jane Addams, January 26, 1916
Jane Addams to David Starr Jordan, March 10, 1916
Susan Miller Long Quackenbush to Jane Addams, November 27, 1916
Patriotism and Pacifists in War Time (fragment), Spring 1917
Susan Miller Long Quackenbush to Jane Addams, February 6, 1917
Donald Angus McQueen to Jane Addams, February 22, 1917
Jane Addams to Anna Marcet Haldeman-Julius, October 3, 1918
Memorial Address for Jenkin Lloyd Jones, November 28, 1918
Address at the dedication of the Jenkin Lloyd Jones Chair of English Literature at Lincoln Memorial University, May 13, 1920 (Excerpts)
Peace and Bread: President Wilson's Policies, January 28, 1922
, October 4, 1923
William Kent to Graham Taylor, January 6, 1927
Jane Addams to Jenkin Lloyd Jones, October 20, 1903
Jane Addams to Jenkin Lloyd Jones, January 30, 1909
Jane Addams to Jenkin Lloyd Jones, April 6, 1909
Jane Addams to Jenkin Lloyd Jones, December 16, 1912
Jane Addams to Jenkin Lloyd Jones, January 10, 1916
Emily Greene Balch to William Jennings Bryan, September 7, 1916
Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Jenkin Lloyd Jones, June 12, 1917
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