Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, September 14, 1916

19, Euston St. Brookline
Sept. 14, 1916

Dear Miss Addams,

On my absence in Pennsylvania and New York, I discussed the Conference with Mr. Call, Mr. Holt and <Dr Lynch and> showed them a [tentative] program which they liked. The upshot of it all is that I think the Church Peace Union will invite the body of officers to come as its guests and pay hotel bills. Dr. Lynch asked me to go on and work out the program in full while he consulted with trustees. Yesterday I had a session with Prof. Balch, Mrs. Andrews, and Mrs. Forbes and read my complete program to which they added some suggestions. They all think that it would be better for the Union to ask the branch of the Central [Committee] for Durable Peace to unite with it in the call. I have urged this on Mr. Lynch who is also the secretary of that committee.

Mrs. Andrews has felt deeply chagrined at the failure of the committee to send the $3,000 that was promised to the Central committee and says Mr. Van Beek en Donk writes that America is the only country represented that has not contributed.

Prof. Balch says she will remain over and sail Oct. 14, if we can have the Conference before that. We shall have all of our five members of our [Women's] committee in town when you arrive <if as> and I suppose Mrs. Kelley will come on and join us. I wish that directly after this committee meeting, our executive board might have a session either here or in New York if you are to pass through on your way home. Perhaps you might even attempt the conference of the organizations on the 11th and 12th if you had some days for rest between and could wait over.

I will not enter into detail about the plans for the latter [page 2] until I hear definitely from Dr. Lynch and am sure that it is decided on.

It will probably require six sessions, three for world problems and three for American problems. I hope it can be made a very [important] event and that various committees may be appointed for cooperative work.

Mr. Holt told me a great deal about the Mexican Conference and Mr. John R. Mott's desire to have practical suggestions by any one who can make them. Unless this Conference succeeds, intervention must come.

I hope you are gaining daily. I am keeping remarkably well and am profoundly grateful that I can work.

Yours, faithfully,

Lucia Ames Mead. [signed]