Rosika Schwimmer to Henry Ford, August 2, 1916


Open letter to Henry Ford.

Detroit, Hotel Statler, 2. August. 1916.

Dear Mr. Ford,

I came from Europe [as] I announced in two wireless messages to make a report to you.

I did not come to make new suggestions.

I did not come to ask anything.

I did not come to discuss the quarrels of your representatives.

But I came to tell you something that will make you glad and proud, something that repays you for much of the trouble that has accompanied your efforts.

People in [New York] and here say that you are not your own master. I do not believe that, that just as I cannot believe that you, Mr. Ford, who pick up tramps and treat them gently can be so rude as a message [delivered] Monday by Mr. [Delavigne] in your name makes you appear.

It has been suggested to me to try to see you by appointments made in a roundabout way. I thought that too undignified, and [preferred] to address my request for an interview personally to you. I sent two letters to both your home and your office.

The barrier around you being more impregnable than that around kings, kaisers, presidents or other financial magnates I [illegible] am making this request for an [illegible] interview through this paper, in the hope that it will reach you and secure me an answer.

Sincerely yours