Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Jane Addams, June 1, 1916


June 1st, 1916.

My dear Miss Addams:

I am sorry that we have not been able to get a copy of the "Zukunft" for April 22nd. We have never received one in this office and we had been trying even before your letter arrived to get one through various German bookstores, but they told me that their mail is so uncertain now that they cannot promise any copies, but will let me know if any come in. They say they have never received so late a copy of this. If we succeed in getting a copy, I will send it to you at once.

I am returning Miss Balch's letter.

I have written to Mr. Schützinger and sent to him all the material published by the Woman's Peace Party which we have in stock now.

I am enclosing a list of the delegates to the Congress After the War, indicating those who have accepted the invitation to be present on June 10th, those who have declined and those who have not answered. In this connection I have also written to Mrs. Forbes, inviting her to be present at the meeting.

We have wired Miss Eastman that we will be glad to [cooperate] in the work of the exhibit for next week. Mr. Fuller is very much pleased with the room we have secured and thinks it much better for the purpose than the one used in Brooklyn. He is very happy over the prospects for next week and is full of suggestions for effective displays. Should the exhibit through some mischance not reach us in time, I am sure we shall be able to make a very good showing anyhow with Mr. Fuller's assistance, but we certainly hope that there may be no mishap in connection with the transportation of the exhibit and that it may reach us safely by June 5th.

Sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Miss Jane Addams,
1430 Astor St.,
Chicago, Illinois.
