Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, November 28, 1901


My dear Alice

The balance of the notes amount to six hundred dollars of which amount I have already advanced one hundred.  I have sent them on to the bank.  If it isn't convenient for you to cash them all now, I think that we could let at least two hundred of it stand.  The poor young things are having a terribly hard time.  Mrs Wyant, Charlie's sister is there now so that I won't go down until later.

I am going to be very much [page 2] disappointed if you and Marcet don't come at Christmas. 

It has been many years since we have had a Christmas season together and don't you think that you ought to make an effort this time. The house is so warm that I am sure it cannot make your pleurisy worse. It looks now as if poor Weber wouldn't be at home, and certainly it will be a blessing to Laura to have you come. Weber and Stanley Linn will be the only ones of that family here [page 3] unless Esther and their baby are able to come up so that we seem to be getting down to smaller and smaller dimensions.  Please plan to come for the entire holiday season and then have a few days at Cedarville, making this the head quarters.  Weber is correcting the proofs on his book, it is called "The Second Generation," and is a very clever story.  I have just gotten off my lectures to the same publisher Macmillan who is going to put them in book form.  I was so late with the material that the [page 4] book probably won't be out until Spring.  With much love to Marcet always your loving sister Jane Addams

Nov 28"1901