Addison Charles Thomas to Jane Addams, April 20, 1916


April 20,

My dear Miss Addams,

I wish to thank you for the tender of a box at the Auditorium Theatre for the Peace Meeting. It was surely very kind and characteristic of you to call up my home. I was unable however to attend but my sympathies and prayers were there. The enclosed is a copy of a communication sent to the D.A.R. meeting in Washington. If you think it merits attention of American women please spread the doctrine soon as possible. They are determined to commence militarism by forcing it into the common [schools] & into our boys. <Pay the price to men to do the fighting if we must have war.>

Yours sincerely

Addison C Thomas.

P.S. You are aware of the fact that the army bill is before the house today & the women of America should take action immediate in way of protest etc etc.

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