Mary Rozet Smith to Eleanor Daggett Karsten, February 16, 1916



February 16 --

My dear Mrs. Karsten

Miss Addams asks me to say that she has sent a copy of this report to Mrs. Edwin D. Mead at 39 Newbury St. Boston -- She is not sure that the address is right and <should it be wrong> asks you to forward this duplicate to Mrs. Mead. Miss Addams says she is mailing peace literature to you from time to time, as she finishes reading it, to be filed [page 2] at the office.

We have been detained here by a slight relapse Miss Addams had last week, but we are hoping to go on to Pasadena next Monday.

Miss Addams sends warm greetings to you and Mrs. Thomas.

Very sincerely yours

Mary Rozet Smith

If 39 Newbury St. was the correct address for Mrs. Mead please keep [page 3] this report of Miss Addams' speech at the office.