February 16th, 1916
My dear Mr. Taylor:
We are very much interested in hearing of your statewide debate in North Carolina and we very much hope that we may be able to help you in preparing for this. Please be sure to notify us of the Resolutions.
I think [the] points you list are excellent and I would suggest one addition, namely: that an increase in our navy at this time would be particularly unwise since we have not yet learned the lessons of this war, and whatever may be built at the present time may prove to be of little value in the near future. Dreadnaughts, perhaps, will play a less important part in naval warfare than formerly and the exact value of submarines and international regulations in regard to their use are still questions to be determined.
If you take up two points, I should suggest either the first two that you list, namely: that the security of the United States does not demand an increase and that the navy is adequate, and in this connection I would emphasize the need of thorough investigation of the manner in which our present budget is expended in order that the best results may be secured. These two points seem to hang well together. Or, you might take up the two points bearing on expenditures, namely: that we cannot afford to increase the navy and thus greatly increase taxation, and the point I raised before, namely: that we are as yet uncertain of the best way in which to increase the efficiency of our navy, whether by the purchase of submarines or by dreadnaughts.
Did I refer in my earlier letter to the Debater's Handbook on National Defense by Miss Corinne Bacon, published by the American Peace Society, Colorado Building, Washington, D.C., the price of which is $1.00? Perhaps this would be of interest to you.
If we can help you in any other way, please let us know.
Sincerely yours,
Office Secretary