Harriet Park Thomas to Jane Addams, February 7, 1916


February 7th, 1916.

My dear Miss Addams:

During the week that you have been away nothing very thrilling has happened. We are going along at a pretty steady [pace] in the office. The stenotype report came from Washington -- it looks almost as big as the Art Institute as it lies in the box. I have gone through a part of it, but think that we shall need it only as a matter of reference and record, as probably very little that is contained in it needs to be embodied in the Annual Report.

A question has come up in connection with the expense of the Legislative Committee which I shall have to bother you with. Mrs. Allender writes that Mrs. Post approves a plan by which the Anti-Preparedness Committee and the Woman's Peace Party will pay jointly for an expert stenographer who will record the daily hearings before the Military Committees. This will amount to $25.00 a week, and she asks for an appropriation of $100.00 to cover this, and for printing and sending out Bills, etc.

The Arts Committee has spent a good deal of money on its publications and for postage, and up to date the Legislative Committee has spent nothing at all. May I ask you to write directly to Mrs. Post and to Miss Breckinridge what you wish to do about this? as I shall be leaving for Texas on Friday?

I am enclosing a clipping which Mrs. Rublee sent for you and me together, also a letter from Mrs. Post, which explains itself.

I was so happy to hear from Mrs. Bowen that she had received good news from you. Please be very good! If you break training I shall have to come out and be as [stern] with you as I was in Washington.

I am sending a copy of the [reprint] of your Hearing before the Military Committee. We had 5,000 done and are going to distribute them widely through our membership list.

I have just had a little heart to heart talk with Mr. Kliefoth in Mr. Lochner's office. He went to Detroit and had a very satisfactory talk with Mr. Ford. He feels that some queer influence is at work to intercept communications to him regarding peace. Telegrams are not received and letters are also waylaid. Mr. Kliefoth suspects Liebold and Mr. Ford [himself] is convinced that somebody who is confidentially employed is making the trouble. He made no plan for seeing you as he knew [page 2] you were in the west, but he would be glad to see you, and I would have seen him if he had gotten the message. Mr. Kliefoth met Mr. Ford at some "neutral" point in Detroit. He did not see Mrs. Ford at all.

Since writing to you about Mrs. Allender's request I have heard from Miss Breckinridge that she also wrote on this subject last week and is expecting a reply from you, so please do not take the trouble to go into this matter a second time.

With affectionate remembrances to you and Miss Smith, believe me

Always devotedly yours,

Miss Jane Addams,
Antler's Hotel,
Colorado Springs, Colorado.
