Rosika Schwimmer to George Washington Kirchwey, January 26, 1916



Stockholm, Jan. 26, 1916.

Prof. George W. [Kirchwey],
Ossining, New York.

My dear Prof. [Kirchwey],

We have had no cable yet from you answering the information about your election as alternate of the Neutral Conference. When this letter reaches you, you certainly will have had a meeting with Miss Watson and Mrs. Lloyd who undertook to explain the situation to you.

I do not need to emphasize how much value your cooperation will have, not only because you are an expert on international law, but because the idea of a Neutral Conference was your own as well as many others.

I am sure it will please you to know that amongst those elected by the European Neutrals, are Prof. [Wigforss], of the University of Lund, Sweden, who is a unique expert on the documents issued by all the governments since the war broke out. He is considered as the greatest expert on the different interpretations of the causes and conduct of the war. Another unique expert is Prof Nürop, of the University of Copenhagen, who is the greatest French philologist and as such, did great service to France during the war by interpreting. Because of these services, he is considered pro-French, but there is no doubt that politically and in general, he is absolutely neutral. The great value of his cooperation is that he is [persona] grata more than anybody else in Europe with the French people and the French official circles. [page 2]

Mr. Nielsen, another Swedish delegate, was a member of the Berne Peace Bureau, so that the old pacifists have also their representation.

Things go on splendidly, and we are absolutely confident that the Conference will mark an epoch in the era of democratic control of the fates of nations.

I would be very happy to know that you are taking the very next steamer of the Scandinavian-American, or the Norwegian Line, to join the Conference at the Grand Hotel, Stockholm.

Looking forward to seeing you,

Very sincerely yours,