Nellie J. Kohn Schwabacher to Jane Addams, November 26, 1915


New Orleans, November 26, 1915

Miss Jane [Addams],
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams: --

I am just in receipt of your kind favor of the 17th instant and very much regret that I will not be in Chicago for sometime. I will inform you when I return and it will then be my pleasure to discuss my Husband's, Mr. Morris Schwabacher, bequest with you in person. Please note the exact wording of my Husband's Will, which will doubtless be self-explanatory:

"I give and bequeath to Hull House of Chicago, or to Jane [Addams] the head of that Institution in the event that Hull House is not legally capable of accepting this bequest on the conditions hereinafter named, the sum of $5000.00 to be expended for the purpose of establishing a non-sectarian institution or center in the vicinity of the Union Stock Yards within the City of Chicago, Illinois, having for its object the elevating of the moral and the betterment of the physical condition of the children of that vicinity".

You will please note that as soon as the affairs of the Estate are fully adjusted, it will be my pleasure to promptly forward you the check of $5000.00, as per my Husband's bequest.

Sincerely yours,

Nellie K. Schwabacher -- [signed]
1631 Arabella St.
New Orleans
LA --

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