Nelson Samuel Bradley to Jane Addams, September 27, 1915

Saginaw County
Equal Suffrage Association




The State Convention of our Equal Suffrage Association is to meet in Saginaw in November, and we are in need of a speaker for the evening of the eleventh, to set the pace, and sound the note, for our workers. Would it be possible for you to come over and <do> [illegible] us that service? An address on Suffrage would be in order, or one of your Peace Talks, with relation to Woman's work and responsibility, would meet the situation. The rail road service is Good between Chicago and Saginaw is good; if necessary you could get into a sleeper after your address and be home for [breakfast] next morning. In the event of your being able to take this date -- November the eleventh -- please name the financial consideration which would seem adequate to you. And will you be good enough to give me as early a reply as possible?

It is possible you will remember meeting me for a few minutes at Miss McClures when you were here last time.

Very truly yours,

N. S. Bradley. [signed]

September the 27th.

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