Harriet Park Thomas to Jane Addams, September 22, 1915


September 22, 1915.

My dear Miss Addams:

I am returning your letter in regard to the Carnegie Appropriation as I notice that you endorse it not answered. I have made a note of the report which Mr. [Browne] is to send and will speak to him about it at once.

I am enclosing a letter from one of the California ladies which is very personal in parts but which will give you an idea of the fine beginning they are making in Northern California. Miss DeGraff suggested that a Pacific Coast Headquarters for the Woman's Peace Party would be an excellent thing, and since spending the summer in California, I am more in favor of her plan than I was even at the beginning. The distance is so great that a communication is often difficult and delayed, and the expense of sending literature at intervals is also great. Would you favor the establishment of a western headquarter? In that case we could, in perfect fairness to other groups, permit part of the group membership fees to be retained in the state. I feel as if we ought to do something for the Northern California branch because Mrs. [Sewall] left them with a deficit of about [$156]. She charged things indiscriminately to the Woman's Peace Party, and even her Taxi cabs sometimes. They have been very fine about this and rather than have a scandal or disruption decided to pay these bills, but, of course, has worked great hardships on them and depleted their treasury.

I am writing to Mrs. Post by this same mail asking her if she thinks this a good plan in light of her experience while in San Francisco. Miss Hyers favors the plan very much as she thinks it will reduce our expenses some to have a western branch paying for literature which can be sent by freight in large quantities.

Mrs. Cumberson is Chairman for the Northern California Branch and lives at Palo Alto, and is a very lovely woman, well known in the club circles, and, I understand, exceedingly capable.

We all think very constantly of you and all wish we could do something for you, even take part of your suffering. I know you don't like this kind of talk, but I am saying it for my own happiness, and not for yours. [page 2]

Don't hurry about getting up and coming home. I am sure we can manage along some way until it is perfectly safe for you to be back in the ring.

Yours with sincere affection,
