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  • Creator is exactly "Marsh, Edward Clark"

Marsh expresses his excitement for a book mentioned by Addams and requests to know more.

Marsh asks Addams if she has any materials ready for publication and notes that the hostility against her seems to be lessening.

Marsh asks Addams to let him know if she will have a book manuscript shortly.

Marsh asks Addams when she will write her next book.

Marsh thanks Addams for sending The Women at the Hague.

Marsh would like Addams to write a book on woman suffrage because he believes that she would be interested in writing it and that it would be influential.

Marsh writes Addams that he is pleased to hear her work on Spirit of Youth and the City Streets is progressing well and is excited to hear that she will start her book on Hull-House soon after.

Marsh acknowledges receipt of Addams' manuscript for A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil.

Marsh congratulates Addams on the rave review of Twenty Years at Hull House in The Nation.

Marsh informs Addams that he is sending the consent for the translation of Twenty Years at Hull House into German.

Marsh writes Addams about royalty rates related to a German translation of Twenty Years at Hull-House.

Marsh thanks Addams for sending the agreement to publish A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil with Macmillan.

Marsh sends an agreement for publishing A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil and promises to have the book printed in a New York union shop.

Marsh writes Addams about publishing A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil in serial format in McClure's Magazine.

Marsh acknowledges receipt of the manuscript for her new book and cautions her against publishing it serially in a magazine.

Marsh writes Addams about illustrations for the Hull House book.

Marsh writes Addams about illustrations for Twenty Years at Hull House.

Marsh writes Addams about illustrations and the publication schedule for her new book.

Marsh writes Addams about illustrations and the publication plan for her next book.

Marsh writes Addams to explain Macmillian Company's desire to publish Twenty Years at Hull House in the fall and to expresses dismay that copies of The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets to Chicago were delayed.

Marsh writes Addams regarding a proposed German translation of The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets.

After the success of the Twenty Years at Hull House, Marsh asks Addams if she is interested in writing another, specifically about the problems faced by girls in large cities.

Marsh writes Addams with publication plans for the Spirit of Youth in the City Streets, and Twenty Years at Hull House.

Marsh sends Addams a copy of Race and Immigrants in America by John R. Commons. He also reports that the Macmillan Company is eager to publish Addams' third book after the success of Newer Ideals of Peace.

Marsh accepts Addams' desire to title her upcoming book The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets.