Comments at National Juvenile Protection Association Founding, June 9, 1906 (excerpt)

Wants to Edify the Police.

"Socialize the policemen. We should; establish institutes for the edification of the police, the same as we have for the school teachers in this city," said Jane Addams of Hull House while speaking before the Juvenile Protection association at the dinner.

"The policemen should be used to a much greater advantage as assistants in compulsory education. Even better than the school principal or the probation officer the policeman knows the children of the locality he patrols.

"The policeman should be of more service than to preserve order; he could be utilized as a social force, by being better acquainted with the temperament of children and the city laws regarding them.

"The policemen of Chicago still are brutal toward children, their desire first of all being to arrest and place them behind the bars."

Judge Tuthill recommended that the John Worthy school be abandoned because the reformation of boys there is greatly handicapped by the proximity of the school to the vice of the city.

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