Lida Eastman Torbet to Jane Addams, March 27, 1914


2218 Prairie Avenue, Calumet 3049

Chicago, March 27th. 1914.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ills.

My dear Miss Addams: ----

I am in receipt from the "Board of Election Commissioners" a list of the Women Judges and Clerks of Election. I find as follows.

-- Wards --- Judges & Clerks.

1 - 31

2 - 40

3 - 35

4 - 21

5 - 17

6 - 46

7 - 48

8 - 29

9 - 30

10 - 3

11 - 6

12 - 13

13 - 32

14 - 15

15 - 21


16 - 11

17 - 13

18 - 26

19 - 12

20 - 8

21 - 19

22 - 5

23 - 23

24 - 8

25 - 48

26 - 28

27 - 33

28 - 17

29 - 9

30 - 15


31 - 26

32 - 37

33 - 26

34 - 23

35 - 18


Wards 1 to 15 - 387

[Wards] 16 to 30 - 275

Cicero -- 4

Grand total of 796

Trusting the above information is satisfactory and that we may confer soon as to a meeting, I am,

Yours respectfully

Lida E. Torret [signed]

(Mrs. Lewis K.)

P.S. I will be out of the city for ten days, in Washington, after April 18th.

Item Relations


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