Joseph Medill McCormick to Frank J. Snite, December 14, 1912


December 14, 1912

Mr. Frank J. Snite,
2072 Ogden Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Sir:-

I am sending to Mr. E.B. Burling, 203 South Dearborn St., of our legislative Commission, copies of laws covering the following subjects: Primaries, Public Utilities, Minimum Wage, Corrupt Practices, Bank Control, etc. collected from such states as Massachusetts, Wisconsin, California, Oregon, Washington, and Kansas. It occurs to me that pending our meeting on the thirtieth, we might send to Mr. Carter a list of those subjects which we believe should be dealt with in the measures to be first approved in the Progressive caucus and to be first introduced. As I see it, we ought to lose no time in introducing bills on the following subjects: Anti-pass, primary amendments, corrupt practices, short ballot, minimum wage, bank regulation, full train crews, public utilities commission, eight hour day, legislative reference bureau and a constitutional amendment for initiative and referendum and an initiative amendment of the constitution.

Very truly yours,