Speaking Itinerary, October and November 1912



Leave Chicago 9.30 A.M. Sunday Oct 20 Via Santa Fe

Arrive Oklahoma City 9.15 A.M. Monday, Oct. 21

Leave Oklahoma City 7.24 A.M. Tuesday, Oct 22, via Santa Fe

Arrive Wichita 1.50 PM Tuesday, Oct 22

Leave Wichita 10.45 PM Tuesday, Oct 22, via Santa Fe

Arrive Kansas City 10.30 AM Wednesday, Oct 23

Leave Kansas City 10.30 AM Wednesday, Oct 23 via Burlington

Arrive Lincoln 5.40 PM Wednesday Oct 23

Leave Lincoln 5.30 A.M Thursday, Oct 24 Via C B & Q

Arrive Omaha 7. AM Oct 24

Leave Omaha 7.40 AM Oct 24 via C & N W

Arrive Clinton Iowa 5 PM Oct 24

Leave Clinton 1.15 noon, Friday Oct 25 via C & N W

Arrive Marshalltown 5.20 PM Friday, Oct 25

Leave [Marshalltown] 1. AM Saturday Oct 26, via M & St. L

Arrive St Paul 9 AM Saturday Oct 26

St Paul Sat evening 7.30, and in Minn Sat at 9 Mrs. Thompson wife of owner of St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch, newspapers, will take charge of you in St Paul Saturday morning and see that etc

Leave Minn 11.10 PM Sunday, Oct 27 via N P

Arrive Jamestown 8.40 AM Monday, Oct 28

Leave Jamestown 1.08 noon, Monday Oct 28 via N P

Arrive Fargo 2.40 PM Monday, Oct 28

Leave Fargo 2.40 PM Tuesday Oct 29 via G N

Arrive Grand Forks 5.15 PM Tuesday Oct 29

Leave Grand Forks 10.20 PM Tuesday Oct 29 via G N

Arrive Minneapolis 7.35 AM Wednesday Oct 30

Leave Minneapolis 9.30 AM Wednesday Oct 30, via C & N W

Arrive Sioux Falls, SD 6.15 PM Wed Oct 30

Leave Sioux Falls 9. AM Thurs Oct 31 via C M & St P

Arrive Sioux City, Iowa 1 PM Oct 31

Leave Sioux City, Ia 5 PM Oct [31] via C & N W

Arrive Omaha 9.25 PM Oct 31

Leave Omaha 12 midnight via U P
Arrive Denver 1.15 noon Nov 1st
Leave Omaha 11.15 PM via C B & Q
Arrive Denver 1. PM next afternoon
Leave Omaha 10.47 PM via C R I & P
Arrive Denver 1. P M next noon Nov 1st

Kansas City Nov 4 [page 2]


Oct 21  Oklahoma City c/o Alvah L. McDonald

Oct 22  Wichita, Kans [c/o] Wm. Allen White

Oct 23  Lincoln, Neb [c/o] Nathan Merriam

Oct 24  Clinton, Ia [c/o] S. B. Robb

Oct 25  Marshalltown, Ia [c/o] L. M. Osborne

Oct 26  St. Paul, Minn [c/o] Walter Newton State Committee

Oct 27  [St. Paul, Minn c/o Walter Newton State Committee]

Oct 28  Jamestown, N Dakota [c/o] Miss Kate F. Wilder

Oct 29  Grand Forks [N Dakota] [c/o Miss Kate F. Wilder]

Oct 30  Sioux Falls S Dakota [c/o] [C]. G. Sherwood

Oct 31  [Traveling]

Nov. 1  Denver  [c/o] S. A. Coston

Nov 2  --------

Nov 3  [Traveling]

Nov 4  Kansas City, Mo --- [c/o] B. F. Beazell

<c/o cousin C A Young 3801 Warwick Blv>