Nordiska Lärares Fredsförbunds Studievecka preliminary program, May 4, 1926 Also known as: Nordic Teachers' Peace Association Study Week, preliminary program, May 4, 1926


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Sagavoll Youth School, Gvarv, Telemarken, Norway.
3 – 9 August 1926.

The study course wants to give the participants the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the conditions that arose nationally and internationally after the world war, discuss the school's possibilities to create a spirit of goodwill and peace-promoting activity corresponding to the new forms, and contribute to the development of a sense of Nordic belonging.


From Denmark: The director of the Statens lœrerhöjskole, Dr. Villh. Rasmussen, Copenhagen: Pædagogiske spörgsmaal. (2 foreder.) – Commune teachers ed. Ingvard Nielsen, Soborg: The idea of nationality and the national school.

Mrs. Finland: Miss Jose Fagerholm: The peace thing in school work with the little ones.

From Norway: Rector O. F. Olden, Stavanger: Moderne Fredsbévègeser. (3 preferred) – Fur Matha Larsen Jahn, Oslo, Norwegian delegation member of N.F.: Vor tids sikringsarbeide mot krig. – Doc. Dr Wilth. Keilhau, Oslo: After the Geneva meeting. (2 pref.) – Teacher's school director Håkon Wergeland: Peace Movement and Fatherland Love; The first Christians and the War. - Possibly former Prime Minister Joh. Ludv. Mowinckel and Lecturer Höst to lecture.

Frản Sweden: Former Headmistress of the State Normal School Miss Matilda Widegren, Stockholm: The Minority Problems. - Possibly: Rector Herman Söderbergh, Djursholm: On neutrality and pacifism - Editor Dr. Torsten Fogelqvist, Stockholm: nâgot littārt āmne.

From England: Possibly: Professor Gwynn Davies, Liverpool University: The powerlessness of electoral means.

On Sunday August S, a public meeting is held with speeches by various speakers and singing.
Parish priest Thomassen speaks at the funeral service.
Evenings are devoted to discussion, socializing and excursions.


[page 2] The course fee, vivre included, is fixed at 55 no. NOK (approximately SEK 44). Meeting participants should bring sheets, pillowcases, towels, napkins.

The nearest railway station is Gvarv.

Registration must, preferably before June 1, registration fee of two sv. NOK sent to the Meeting Board, International Women's Federation office, David Bagares gata 9 – 11, 2 tr., Stockholm. Ex. at 2–4 p.m.

Stockholm 4 May 1926