Address to the Normal School, July 23, 1920 (summary)


Miss Addams Pleads for European Relief

Jane Addams of Hull House, Chicago spoke to a large audience at the State Normal school yesterday morning. Her talk described conditions in the devastated countries of Europe and was in effect an appeal for aid for those countries.

Miss Addams told [of] having seen thousands of children in a starving condition and without proper clothing. Miss Addams was a member of a commission [cooperating] with Herbert Hoover in relief work in the war torn countries. She stated that in giving additional aid to the people of the stricken regions the industrial unrest in this country among the foreign born would be greatly relieved.

Miss Addams has for years been connected with Hull House of Chicago and is a leader in social betterment work. She is also the author of several books dealing with the subject.

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