Present Food Conditions, February 19, 1920 (summary)



Jane Addams Gives Message of Appalling Food Conditions of Europe -- Thursday Busiest Day of Institute.

Thursday was the busiest day of the institute filled from nine o'clock in the morning until five in the afternoon with important conferences.

Two sessions were held in the forenoon and 3 in the afternoon. The three afternoon meetings were devoted, one to the interests of dairying, another to horticulture and the third to household arts. The enrollment during the day was considerably increased by teachers from Jackson, Williamson and Union counties.

When the Institute [reconvened] for the evening session a very pleasing surprise was in store for the audience. Miss Jane Addams, of Hull House, Chicago, whose failure to appear on Wednesday evening so sorely disappointed the waiting audience, was introduced for the first address of the evening. Miss Addams arrived in the city just twenty-four hours later than she was expected, due to a misunderstanding as to her place on the program.

Although the time allotted to her on last evening's program was limited to a half hour, she made the best possible use of her time, going immediately to the heart of her message and closing promptly without intruding upon the time of the other speakers.

It was a message from the starving children of Europe which every American ought to hear. No person could listen unmoved to this story of appalling conditions in war-torn Europe. The starvation and despair very general throughout Europe beggars description. On the subject, "Present Food Conditions," Miss Addams recounted experiences and observations from her recent service as a member of the American Food Commission.

America's obligation to meet the dire need of Europe and the Near East was emphasized. And it is primarily a humanitarian consideration. How can the newly freed peoples attain democracy as long as they are starving? How can they solve the problems of their reconstruction, lacking energy and ability which food alone can supply?

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