Jane Addams et al. to Members of the American Association for Labor Legislation, October 30, 1908


American Association for Labor Legislation

Madison, Wis., Oct. 30th, 1908.

You are cordially invited to attend a meeting of the American Association for Labor Legislation to be held at the City Club, 228 South Clark Street, on Saturday, November 7th, at eight o'clock. The meeting will be addressed by the Secretary of the Association, Prof. John R. Commons of the University of Wisconsin, upon the history and policy of the Association. Dr. Charles R. Henderson will discuss the work of this Association in relation to the Commission on Industrial Accidents lately appointed by Gov. Deneen. Mr. Owen R. Lovejoy, Secretary of the National Child Labor Committee, will present the plan for securing congressional legislation for the protection of children.

The newly organized Association of Neighbors Workers has joined with this Association in arranging this meeting.

Chicago Members of the General Council,

Jane Addams

Charles R. Henderson

Herman Justi

Ethelbert Stewart

Ernst Freund

Edgar T. Davies

Margaret Drier Robins

Towner K. Webster