Julia I. Felsenthal to Jane Addams, October 25, 1908

Maxwell st. Settlement
458 S. Clinton st.

My dear Miss Addams,

Not having been able to see you in person when I let Hull House I take this means of thanking you for your great kindness and many courtesies shown to me while I was a guest of the House.

On the personal side, under the altered conditions of my life it was a boon to be under a roof where sympathy and imagination entered so heartily into the daily contact with [page 2] friends and strangers.

I assure you that I take the daily trials of sickness and sorrow that I have lived through as a valuable asset into my new work. I hope I need not live through all the experiences that will be recounted to me to enter into a real understanding of the needs of the community, but the memory of the deeds and doers of Hull House as I have observed them, will be for me a source of continued inspiration.

I hope that in course of time our Institute will develop into something [page 3] really useful, and be partly able to relieve the pressure of Hull House.

I confess to a feeling of shame that our Jewish people have been so slow in recognizing the great needs to be supplied beyond no satisfying material wants, and that it has, to a great extent, been left for others to see and fill the need.

Repeating my thanks and with kind greetings to friends, believe me to be

Faithfully yours

Julia I. Felsenthal.

Chicago, Oct. 25, 1908.

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