Introductory speeches at Theodore Parker Celebration at Hull-House, November 16, 1910


Hull House Meeting


MISS ADDAMS: Will the meeting come to order? As this meeting is but one in a series that are being held in Chicago this week sacred to the memory of Theodore Parker, I am sure I need not add my tribute to that great man. I am very happy that one of these meetings occurred at Hull House and shall always be glad to think of this association with this place.

The first speaker this morning is Mrs. Anna Garlin Spencer, whom we all have associated with Rhode Island and New York, but who happily has come now to Milwaukee for at least a few months of every year. She has come down this morning to address us. While her theme seems remote, it is after all not remote, as she will interpret it, I am sure, for after all Theodore Parker was connected with all reforms. [page 2]

MISS ADDAMS: I think Mr. Wendte is the next speaker. I do not know his subject, but perhaps he himself will announce it. I am sure he needs no introduction to this audience. [page 3]

MISS ADDAMS: We will next hear from the Rev. F. C. Southworth, who is now president of the Meadville Theological School, but who used to be a plain Chicago clergyman -- I mean plain in the sense of not being president of anything. [page 4]

MISS ADDAMS: I am sure we should be very happy to hear from Mr. Fisher.

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