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  • Tags: Food Shortages

Also known as Russian Famine Fund Also known as American Committee for Russian Famine Relief

Also known as Viennese Dairy


Addams argues for peace and international understanding to help bring Europe out of the devastation of war.

Addams argues for peace and international understanding to help bring Europe out of the devastation of war.

Addams argues for peace and international understanding to help bring Europe out of the devastation of war.

Addams argues for peace and international understanding to help bring Europe out of the devastation of war.

Details of Paxton Hibben's lecture on "New Russia" held by the American Committee for Relief of Russian Women and Children.

Proudfoot asks Addams about the legal cases regarding Austrian funds held by the United States and discusses Austrian relief efforts.

Reichmann invites Addams to a speech on Russian relief efforts.

Thomas tells Addams that the London Friends have decided to sever ties with Fridtjof Nansen's organization.

Balch lists the resolutions and economic policies passed by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Addams argues that the United States should offer economic and humanitarian aid to starving Europe.

Addams urges farmers to set up a corn exchange with Europe to open new markets and feed the starving.

Addams speaks informally to the Women's City Club about welfare work and the Russian famine.
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Kellogg sends Addams illustrations that they are using for her Survey article.