13 results

  • Creator is exactly "Taussig, Florence Gottschalk"

Taussig tells Addams that she will be happy to travel to Cleveland with her and discusses raising funds for Madeleine Doty.

Taussig asks Addams if the Pax Special can stop in St. Louis, noting that there is interest in lectures from several foreign countries.

Taussig tells Addams that she has delegated Edna Gellhorn to handle an issue about children.

Taussig asks Addams to release a statement that clarifies the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's position on endorsing candidates.

Taussig sends Jennison lists of potential donors for the International Congress of Women.

Taussig comments on the tensions within the New York State branch of the Woman's Peace Party.

Taussig emphasizes the need to raise more funds for the Women's peace organization and to increase publicity to keep all world wide branches informed.

Taussig encloses documents regarding the prior months' finances and pledges.

Taussig recommends that the Woman's Peace Party Executive Board meeting be held in Chicago, and gives her ideas for the possible name change for the party.

Taussig asks Addams's opinion on organizing a mass meeting of women in Chicago.

The leaders of the different branches of the Woman's Peace Party contribute towards a letter stating why the President should call for a referendum vote on whether or not America should go to war.

Taussig admires the statement which Addams plans to send to the President.

Taussig asks Addams' advice about President Wilson's message to the belligerent nations