Rose Scott to Jane Addams, August 25, 1915


The National Council of Women of New South Wales.

Sydney, August 25 1915

My dear [Miss] Jane Addams --

I know you so well, though you may not know me -- I am the President of the Peace Society here [etc] -- & I have just been reading in "Jus Suffragii" of your wonderful work with Dr Aletta Jacobs for Peace after the congress at The Hague. To me you have been for years the great woman of USA -- & there are many there whom I long to know. I want to introduce you to our Premiers wife Mrs Holman who is going on a visit to U.S.A. She is a capable journalist & deeply interested in all problems which affect Humanity -- and the woman question. I read an article of yours once on the "moral fatigue" that affects the overworked child -- we have them here on dairy farms, but our factory conditions are not so bad. Greetings from yrs  Rose Scott