Mabel L. Hyers to Myran Louise Grant, August 25, 1915


Chicago, August 25, 1915.

Miss M. Louise Grant,
69 W. 46th Street,
c/o Gamut Club,
New York City.

My dear Miss Grant:

I am sorry to have been so long in answering [your] letter of August 14th, which has been forwarded to this office from Hull House. Miss Addams is away at the present time resting and is unable to give her attention to business matters. She will, I know, be interested in your work and in Mr. Zueblin's enthusiastic letter concerning you.

May I say that we are not especially enthusiastic over the peace conference to be held here on the 5th and 6th. It will no doubt be interesting from some points of view but as an organization we are not supporting their movement.

I trust that it will be possible for you to come to Chicago early in September as you are planning and that while here you will come up to the headquarters and let us tell you about the work that we [page 2] are trying to do and also to meet Mrs. Thomas, our Executive Secretary, who will be back from the coast at that time.

Very sincerely yours,

Acting Executive Secretary.