Catherine Elizabeth Marshall to Jane Addams, August 19, 1915

British Committee of the International Women's Congress
THE HAGUE, April 28th, 29th, and 30th, 1915.

August 19. 1915.

Hawes End, Keswick, Cumberland.

Dear Miss Addams,

We are very glad to get the news, through Holland, that you have had the interview you wanted. A great deal turns on what news you are able to give. I have heard no particulars -- simply the fact that you had been received. Will you send us let us know as much as can be put in a letter as soon as possible?

Miss Macmillan has resigned the Hon. Sec-ship of the British Comtee as she wants to be free to spend a good deal of her time abroad. [page 2] I have been appointed to take her place until our autumn conference, at which a new Executive Comtee & new officers will be elected.

There are many matters about which I want to write to you; but all I have time for, to catch this next mail, is to tell you that we have fixed the date of our Conference for Thursday & Friday, Sept. 30 & Oct. 1. I have heard from 2 different sources that you may be coming to Europe again fairly soon. If you do we should very much like to have you with us for the Conference. We shall be deciding the [page 3] Constitution & scope of our new permanent organization, electing the British representatives on the <Women's> International Comtee for Permanent Peace, & appointing <[10]> delegates for the next [illegible] Congress. We shall be tackling the [whole] question of local autonomy for Ireland & Scotland -- & I hope setting an example to the men of law that complex questions can be amicably settled if approached in the right spirit: or the desire for [cooperation] & not for domination.

We are inviting Mme Duchêne to come over from France & speak at a meeting [page 4] we propose to hold for all those attending the Conference on the evening of Sept. 30th -- we hope possibly at Lord Brassey's house. We should especially like to have you with us on that occasion.

Dr. Battin asked me to tell you that I had an hours' conversation with him recently, & am arranging to see him again when he passes through to this country on his return from his present travels. I was to say from him that he felt you were very badly wanted on this side of the Atlantic, now, especially [page 5] to continue the envoy work. That work is not at all the same thing, & does not have the same effect, when done by other people. <Dr. B. thought it important that as soon as you had a message to bring you should take it yourself, straight to Holland without stopping in this country on the way.> Since Dr. B. said this however, the situation (for military & other reasons) has changed, & it does not seem to be so urgent for you to come over, as it is not likely that any initiative of the kind we desire can be taken just at this moment. It would be wasteful to bring you over here before the situation is rife for action -- apart from the fact that you must be very badly wanted in your own country. I am to go & see Dr. Page one day [page 6] when I get back to London, to tell him some of our news. I do not suppose he will be able to tell me anything definite in return, but I think a conversation may be helpful & he is very kind & friendly.

We are bringing out a short leaflet (2 pages) on Continuous mediation, which we hope to get very widely spread in this country, & specifically in our Overseas Dominions, so as to popularize the idea -- not <putting forward any plea for its adoption> urging its adoption, as from this country, but <simply> explaining the plea as a plan & showing its reasonableness, so that when any initiative comes from an outside source it may be welcomed, [page 7] & not dismissed as impractical.

Our 2nd edition of "Towards Permanent Peace" is going well -- our 1st edition was entirely sold out quite soon. I hope you did not think we said anything injudicious in the report of your [illegible]?

We are going to move into larger offices at the beginning of next month, & have now engaged a whole-time Secretary (Miss M. Mitchell) & a clerk. We hope to develop upon rapidly after our Conference. <We received 3 [checks] for £50 the other day!> With very cordial greetings from all the Comtee Believe me yours sincerely

Catherine E. Marshall.

I have had time to write all I wanted to after all.