Frederic Harrison to Jane Addams, February 25, 1901



25. Feb. 1901

Dear Miss Addams,

I greatly enjoyed my visit to Hull House, which greatly impressed me.  I think it is on a scale superior to Toynbee or other settlements in England.

I came back quite humiliated by the sense of my own inordinate garrulity, frivolity, & egotism, & quite overwhelmed by the warmth of welcome shown me by so many friends.

I feel that such kindness is shown to my countrymen rather than to me, who have done so little for such work as yours.

Do not think [page 2] and do not let those young ladies think I am always such a chatterbox and flâneur as I must have appeared to them last evening when you let me rattle on about my personal reminiscences. I was more serious & in earnest in the morning at Steinway. That is my base mood, but I do not always restrain my own natural sprits enough. And the sight of so many happy young people, doing good work raised my mental temperature.

I sent you a photo, signed & dated on that pleasant day & beg you to place it with those of your other friends & sympathizers.

Sincerely yours

Frederic Harrison

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