Maynard M. Metcalf to Jane Addams, July 8, 1901




July 8th, 1901
395 DuPage St., Elgin, Ill.
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago.

My dear Miss Addams:-

Enclosed you will find a report of our Lawrence House work for year before last. Last year's report not [yet being] issued. I send it that you may have in mind the nature of our work in case you are able to think of any one whom you might which to suggest to us for resident worker. Last year we had two residents, one on salary, giving all her time to the work, and one who helped less than half of her time and drew no salary. We also had two kindergarteners in constant employment. To the Resident Worker we paid, last year, $50.00 a month, for eight months. This year we can pay a little more, but only a little, not more than $500.00 for eight months or eight and a half months the house will open.

In spite of the slowness with which Baltimore moves in a matter of this kind, I believe that the right person could accomplish ↑at Lawrence House↓ that which will be of the greatest value. There is no doubt of the need in Baltimore for such a work or of the helpfulness of what has been done already. We need now one who can successfully carry the work forward to larger things if we will find the money for its support. If you can help us find the right one we will greatly appreciate it. About your speaking for us in Baltimore I will write you again in January or February. Could you, however, give me some idea of the probable expense to us of your coming?

Yours very faithfully

Maynard M. Metcalf [signed]

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