Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, April 26, 1915

S.S. [Noordam]
April 26" 1915

Dear Mary

Alice has written and called so often that I am sure you know all about our good voyage and the delay in the channel.

We are getting off letters today [through] the guard ship, which are much more certain of being posted than those sent earlier [through] casual sailors.

We are receiving every courtesy from the English officials and are of course perfectly comfortable in our anchored ship. [page 2]

It is hard to keep patient of course as one day goes by another -- this is the beginning of our fourth -- but on the whole we are doing very well and are quite an interesting conference of our own. We have communicated with Mr Page at London & are hoping to move on in [course] of [time]. My love to H.H.

Always devotedly yours,

Jane Addams

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