Alice Peloubet Norton to Florence Day Buckbee, April 16, 1915


April 16, 1915

My dear Mrs. Buckbee:

Miss Addams asked me to acknowledge your letter containing the proposed peace petition for children with your suggestion that it be sent to the California Exposition. She has been so busy with correspondence connected with The Hague Congress and with other pressing matters in regard to the Peace Party that she could not take up the matter in any further way.

May I ask you if you know of the Childrens' Peace Petition Committee, 101 West 85th Street, New York City with Miss Kate Devereux Blake as chairman? Late in February they presented a Childrens' Peace Petition to Mr. Bryan. I am sending you the newspaper account of this. Will you kindly return this as we wish to keep it on file. I do not know whether this will modify your plans or not.

Cordially yours,

Acting Ex. Sec' y.

Mrs. Florence Day Buckbee
318 N. Main Street,
Rockford, Ills.