Secretary to Jane Addams to Mary Agnes Best, February 10, 1915


February 10, 1915.

Miss M. A. Best,
The National Arts Club,
Gramercy Park, Manhattan,
New York, N.Y.

My dear Miss Best: --

Miss Addams asks me to say that she has been unable to make any plans for having you read in Chicago, as all the peace people are entirely engrossed with the plans for the big conference here on the 27th and 28th, the program for which is already [framed].

She hopes that you will be able to stop in Chicago either on your way to or from St. Louis to talk things over with her. She wishes to announce you as on the list of readers to be sent out by the Woman's Peace Party, but must know a little more fully how much direct bearing your monologues have upon peace.

Sincerely yours,

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