Jane Addams to Hattie L. Hecht Sloss, April 9, 1915


April 9, 1915

My dear Mrs. Sloss: --

I am sorry that I have had to so delay writing you of my exact plans for California. Since I have decided to go to The Hague to attend a conference called by "the women of the neutral and belligerent nations" for the end of April, I find that it will be impossible for me to be away from Chicago again in June and July, as I shall not be back in America until the end of May.

I have therefore postponed my visit to the Exposition until September. Again, the exact date in September depends upon the meeting of the American Peace Societies which I understand is to be held early in the month.

May I now leave the matter that I prefer to be the guest of the Exposition the week preceding or following the meeting of American Peace Societies. If all else is equal I should like to come about the 15th of September and shall, of course, wish to do whatever I [page 2] can to requite the kindness of your Board.

May I write you immediately upon my return, which ought to be the latter part of May or early in June.

Again assuring you of my great appreciation of the honor you have conferred upon me, I am

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

Mrs. M. C. Sloss
San Francisco, California.

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