Dear Sister Kelley
After a long consultation with Miss Marshall we have finally evolved a school of [life] for your daughter, which I am bound is say the daughter herself is not very enthusiastic about.
Miss Marshall says that she must not be idle, that "loafing" is the very worst thing both for her [spirit] and mind. So we have made out the following schedule, the going to bed is rather hard to express but Miss Marshall [page 2] insists that the treatments are folly unless the going to bed is adhered to.
10-12 a.m. every day ↑Save Sat.↓ -- physiography at Lewis Institute.
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Friday. Sat. -- 4 p.m. exercises at Miss Marshall's office
Weds. p.m. Singing & piano lessons.
Sat. a.m. Singing & [piano] lessons.
That is not heavy work -- it takes her out twice a day -- [One] evening a week she [page 3] may sit up -- but "the mother" will have to back up "The Guardian" about her going to bed early for the child really dotes on all the pleasure & excitement of H.H. -- and resents being deprived of a bit of it. Miss Marshall is evidently worried about her nervous condition & thinks it needs serious attention. When she telephoned me about the going to school she said she thought [page 4] that she could have her during the summer. The dear girl doesn't look well much of the time, & I should ↑if I were you↓ take up Miss Marshall's suggestion that she make a gynecological examination. There may be need of "local treatment" as well. We are all doing all we can, as you know, dear, but a judicious firm letter to the lady from her mother, would help much.
Always Yours Jane Addams
M. R. S. send our love to John