Jane Addams to Florence Kelley, April 5, 1903


Dear Sister Kelley

The school opens tomorrow at Winona Lake, Indiana. It is 4 hours from Chicago, the round trip fare $6.50. I [connected] Miss Marshall by telephone who says that if she sees Margaret once between now & June and if she does the exercises faithfully, writing her each week, that is all that is necessary. This she said quite voluntarily without coaching on my part.

We -– the elders -- were in favor of having the lady go tomorrow, but there is her reluctance and your [own] opinion of the value of the weekly treatment, so we have [page 2] decided to write you and wait for your telegraphed reply -- go or stay. If it is stay, then she ought to begin at once on a [illegible] botany or biology at the Lewis Institute. She is behind on science for the [long?] course -- and two science lessons a week perhaps. If your telegram comes in favor of H. H. then I will plan these other things at once. Hoping for an immediate response, I am yours always J. A.

April 5″ 1903

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