Francis E. Leupp to Jane Addams, May 18, 1912


May 18, 1912.

Dear Miss Addams:

Some time before leaving Washington for my summer quarters here, I wrote you of my desire to see you when I visit Chicago in Convention week next month. You responded very kindly on April 29, assenting to my suggestion that I prepare the way for our interview by telling you in advance what points I wished to take up with you. The protracted wanderings of a freight box containing my professional papers and correspondence must be my apology for not carrying the matter forward sooner.

For greater convenience, I have put the matters for consideration on a separate sheet, which I enclose. Mr. Bok, editor of the Ladies' Home Journal, has requested me to obtain the views of yourself, and one or two other women who have made the social movement something of a study, on the subject of the unrest among women, in the form of interviews. I have one already completed and revised, and have deferred yours only till I could manage to go to where you were instead of encroaching on your limited time during your visits to the Atlantic Coast. It was particularly desired that the informality of style of an interview should be preserved; but after I have written out the substance of our talk, I shall submit the resultant to you for such revision as you are pleased to give it, as I do in the case of all my interviews for the OUTLOOK and other periodicals.

Sincerely yours,

Francis E. Leupp. [signed]

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