Anne Eliza Buchanan to Jane Addams, November 12, 1911

Perry Hotel,
Seattle, Washington
Nov. 12, 1911.

Dear Miss Addams:

In your excellent article, "A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil" you have made a grave blunder in placing a terrible stigma upon the hitherto honorable term cadet. All over our land we have our high school and military school cadets, and the very term has suggested dignity and honor.

Never before did I hear the term used in your sense, and I grieve to learn that one in your position of reformer should so thoughtlessly degrade the term in a public article. I write with the hope that future articles may use some other term for these most contemptible mortals.

Sincerely yours,

A. E. Buchanan.

I shall not call attention to this, as that would only magnify the evil.

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