Sarah Anne Unwin Byles to Jane Addams, May 10, 1915


British Committee of the International Women's Congress

8. Chalcot Gardens.
Hampstead, N.W.

Monday, May 10th

My dear Miss Addams,

It will be a grievous disappointment to us both if we fail to see you. I hear your stay is brief, so I write, in this informal haste, to beg you & Miss [Breckinridge] & Miss Abbott to lunch with us on Thursday next, the 13th inst. at 1.30 p.m. at my Club. (The Albemarle Club, 37. Dover St, Piccadilly). I suggest the Club, as it is so much more accessible than our house at Hampstead.

If I may know at your early convenience I will try & get some friends to meet you who will value the pleasure.

Yrs very sincerely

S. A. Byles.

I venture to ask Miss [Breckinridge] & Miss Abbott thus, as no one can tell me where to seek them.

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