Summary of Hull-House Activities, April 1915



[written in left margin] Trade School

Since submitting the last report of Hull-House, our Trade School, established for the purpose of preparing young girls for the dressmaking trade, has more than doubled its capacity, owing to the generosity of Mrs. George R. Isham. During the season of unemployment this winter a shop was opened in connection with the school, in order that the girls who were temporarily out of work might be given employment. The children's clothing which they made was readily sold.

[written in left margin] Manual Training and Toy Shop

On the same principle, the boys who had done well in the Manual Training class, and who were out of work owing to the general lack of employment, were taken back and made wooden toys in the little toy shop, similar to those produced in the Black Forest of Germany. They sold well and the shop proved self supporting with the exception of the salary of the manual training director in charge of the shop.

[written in left margin] Work for the unemployed

During the winter, Hull-House, as far as it was able, gave work to the unemployed. We had a special fund of five thousand dollars, given to us expressly for this work. The cases were investigated by the United Charities and the residents of Hull-House; in almost every case the work was given to men who had families dependent upon them. The number of men varied from 25 to 125 a day, some of the latter being paid by the United Charities. So large a force, of course, was able to do all sorts of work, the cleaning of streets and alleys in the neighborhood, the basements and hallways of neighboring tenements, painting and cleaning thoroughly the premises of Hull-House and the Wendell Phillips settlement. Some of the men were able to work at mending clocks, restringing violins, etc.

[written in left margin] Boys' Club and Gymnasium.

For the last year the Boys' Club and Gymnasium have been under the management of a director and <2> assistants, one in the Boys' Club and another in the Gymnasium. This plan worked out very well and we consider that we have had a very successful year in the men and boys' departments particularly.

[written in left margin] Labor Museum

The Labor Museum has been self-sustaining and has been used for the purposes of study by a number of schools and colleges as well as institutions for instructing teachers.

[written in left margin] The Joseph T. Bowen Country Club

The Joseph T. Bowen Country Club belonging to Hull-House, used by the women and children of the neighborhood, was kept open until the first of November and is to be reopened the 15th of April. We are obliged to find a new place for our Boys' Camp as the old site in Michigan was exposed to malaria. [page 2]

[written in left margin] Citizenship Classes

The classes in citizenship were very well attended and the ceremony on Lincoln's birthday by the men who had secured their citizenship papers during the year -- a sort of first voters' night -- was most interesting and graphic.

[written in left margin] Clubs and Classes

The various clubs and classes have gone on as usual with good attendances, and our dramatic performances have been more frequent than ever.