Jane Addams to William Isaac Hull, April 3, 1915


April 3, 1915

My dear Professor Hull: --

You have doubtless had a copy of the call to The Hague, issued by the women of "the neutral and belligerent nations", together with the copies of letters written by women in the various warring countries. To me they seem very touching.

I know it is rather late to expect anyone else to join the party, but the Quakers have been so identified with the English movement that I cannot but wish that we might have some Quaker representation in our delegation.

I am so sorry that I shall not be able to hear your address in Chicago next week, but we sail on the 13th, the very day that you speak here. If you have any final words of wisdom for us, do please write them to me! There are times when I feel very much aghast about the entire affair.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Professor W. I. Hull
Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.

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