James Brown Scott to Jane Addams, March 13, 1915


March [13?], 1915.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, 800 South [Halsted] Street,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Madam:

I take pleasure in enclosing herewith the Endowment's check for $5,000, being the amount allotted to you personally by our Executive Committee to enable you to arrange for performances of the play by [Euripides] entitled "The Trojan Women" before women's clubs and other organizations in the Middle West.

This action of the Committee was taken as the result of your request presented to the Committee by Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, the Acting Director of our Division of Intercourse and Education. The request as presented to the Committee seemed to be made in your official position as President of the [Woman's] Peace Party, but our Committee considered as objectionable certain features of the program of that organization and was unwilling to be associated with it, by granting a subvention to that organization. In view of its respect and esteem for you personally, however, it gave the Committee very great pleasure to make this personal grant to you to enable you to carry out the proposal.

Will you please sign and return the enclosed receipt.

I am

Very truly yours,