Secretary to Jane Addams to Anna Sturges Duryea, March 3, 1915

March Third
Mrs. Anna Sturges Duryea,
41 W. 84th Street,
New York City, N.Y.

My dear Mrs. Duryea:

Miss Addams asked me to communicate to you the decision of the Executive Council of the Woman's Peace Party at their last meeting held in Chicago February 14, 1915 in regard to the separate plank in our platform.

The motion was made and carried that particular attention be called to a clause in our Preamble: We welcome to our membership all who are in substantial sympathy with that fundamental purpose of our organization (i.e. "to band ourselves together to demand that war be abolished") whether or not they can accept in full our detailed statements of principles.

I am sending by the same mail this decision to Mrs. Evans and to all the state chairmen.

Miss Addams has instructed me to stand firmly on this in speaking and organizing for the Woman's Peace Party. Miss Addams is leaving tonight for the East and is looking forward to seeing you somewhere before she returns.

Sincerely yours,

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