Samuel Gompers to Jane Addams, March 10, 1903


March 10,

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago, Ill.

My Dear Madam:

Your favor of the [9]th instant is received and contents noted.

I am more than gratified to know that you will let me have an article on the subject of Child Labor for publication for the AMERICAN FEDERATIONIST. While I would be pleased to have this in time for the symposium on that subject which will be published in the May issue, yet this series of articles will doubtless be continued in the June number of the magazine, and hence if you [cannot] let us have your production in time for the May number we will be glad to use it in the June issue.

I beg to thank you for your reply to the several questions I asked in a previous letter to you relative to the attitude of different schools and universities toward the subject of organized labor.

Very sincerely yours,

Samuel Gompers [signed]
American Federation of Labor.

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