Marion Biegler Doolittle to Jane Addams, March 6, 1903


My dear Miss Addams: --

I wonder if you can tell me yet what the chances are of your being able to find a place for me at Hull House next year. I am beginning to realize that "next year" is not so very far away now.

I am sure it is not necessary for me to tell you [page 2] that I am very anxious to come and that I shall try to be of use in any way that I can, in case you can find room for me.

Very sincerely yours,

Marion B. Doolittle

Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, New York
March 6, 1903

[Note written at bottom in unknown hand:] Will keep letter [illegible] she applied long ago [illegible] has first vacancy [illegible] probably? and [illegible words].

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