Jane Addams to Lyra Dale Trueblood, January 21, 1915


January 21, 1915

My dear Miss Trueblood:-

I will write the article as soon as ever I can, but please do not try to get it into this number of The Peace Advocate.

The copies came yesterday and I think that with a little editing they ought to be published as a pamphlet, as they explain better than anything else the genesis of the Society.

I have not yet received the list of the people who were there and find it rather awkward to be without it. I hope you can secure it in order to send the Advocate of Peace to them. You were quite right in your impression that many of them were weak in doctrine.

With the Chicago branch of the American Peace Society and the Church Peace Union we have moved into beautiful quarters at 116 S. Michigan Avenue. Peace has never been so well housed in Chicago before! I hope very much that you can come and see us there. Assuring you of the pleasure it gave me to meet you, I am

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Miss L. D. Trueblood
Washington, D.C.

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