Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, February 27, 1903


My dear Alice

I find that I will have to go to Springfield on Tuesday -- the Child Labor bill comes up before the Senate Committee and I really can't get out of going.

I will be back Wednesday morning at seven and have made the appointment with Dr Favill for Wednesday afternoon.

I am terribly sorry to be away, but there seems to be no way out. I speak in Albion Mich. Monday evening, getting into Chicago at 7.40 a.m. [page 2] take the 9 o'clock train to Springfield arriving there at 2.50, we appear before the Senate Committee at three and get back in the morning. That will still give us Wednesday free -- and you [will] have Tuesday evening and night with Laura and Sarah.

I am so glad that Marcet is better [although] a little sorry to have you give up the Pacific trip.

With love to her and yourself always your loving sister

Jane Addams

Feby 27" 1903