Paul Underwood Kellogg to Frances Alice Kellor, December 24, 1913


December 24, 1913.

Miss Frances A. Kellor,
42nd Street Building,
New York City.

My dear Miss Kellor:

Miss Addams writes: "If you pass upon the three major reports I am only too delighted to call them accepted. Please do that and tell Miss Kellor, will you not, that they are thus accepted so that they may be put to use as quickly as possible."

I take it that she is asking me to do this in view of my relations to the report last summer.

I therefore recommend the compensation report -- which is the one thus far received in final form from Mr. Parkinson's group, and you will therefore be in a position to transmit it to the Bureau of Legislation and Bureau of Education, as the standards and principles which in the view of the Department of Social and Industrial Justice will give practical effect to the compensation planks in the Progressive platform. In addition I should recommend the publication of the report and the supporting annotations as a service document.

When the other reports are in hand I should be glad to pass upon them similarly, as an overhang of my last summer's responsibilities.
