Jane Addams to Lucia Ames Mead, January 3, 1915



Jan. 3, 1915.

My dear Mrs. Mead:-

Mrs. Lawrence will have to be part of the meeting, if only because the group in Chicago itself and various other invited groups were organized as a result of her talk. She never went to the extreme in militancy as you know, having parted company with Mrs. Pankhurst, long ago. She is certainly speaking most effectively for peace now.

If there is danger of one of the meetings being swallowed up by the Congressional Union, we will simply have to arrange another meeting for the same day, keeping it more National in character. Several meetings will not be a disadvantage of course. Mrs. Wilmarth and I are going on early this week, arriving in Washington, Thursday or Friday. We will be at the New Willard Hotel, and I should be grateful if you could come early and help out with this vexed situation. I think the first meeting was bound to be a difficult one. [page 2] Could we not arrange in Washington for the signature of the Appeal and the plans which you outline for various organizations.

I have already written Mrs. Duryea and Mrs. Malcolm Forbes. I am much obliged for your suggestions and hope you will invite others.

Hoping to see you in a few days, I am

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]